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第二单元 Decision Making and Sustainable Development(环境决策与可持续发展)

1. 教学内容:
  (1)环境风险问题 (Measuring Risk)
  (2)经济与环境 (Economics and the Environment)
  (3)环境与可持续发展(在教材的基础上增加部分内容)(Sustainable Development)
2. 教学要求:
1. 第1次课(2学时)
2. 第2次课(2学时)
1. Measuring Risk(风险计量)

  • Two primary factors in most decisions: (1) Risk: how likely is it that something will happen? (2) Cost: what is the cost of this course of action?(风险:事件发生的可能性;代价:采取行动所付出的代价)
  • Risk analysis involves defining a mathematical probability relating the likelihood of an event (adverse effect).(风险分析:可能性的数学分析)

2. Risk Analysis and Decision Making(风险分析与决策)
? 风险分析的目的:决策

  • Decision-Making Process: The assessment, cost, and consequences of risks are all important to the decision-making process.(决策过程:通过风险量化和结果预测来决策)

3. Risk Assessment(风险评价)

  • Environmental risk assessment uses facts and assumptions to estimate probability of harm to human health or the environment resulting from exposure to pollutants, toxins, or management decisions.(环境风险评价:定量估价人体健康或环境的危害程度)
  • Risk assessment is also being used to help set regulating priorities and supporting regulatory action.(风险评价有助于科学制定规范与标准)

4. Risk Management(风险管理)

  • Risk Management: A decision-making process that includes: (1) Assigning priorities to different risks; (2) Determining necessary funding to reduce risks to an acceptable level; (3) Deciding where greatest benefit will be realized from limited funds; (4) Determining acceptable level of risk; and (5) Planning, enforcement, and monitoring.(风险管理:优先度、可接受风险程度……)
  • Politics of risk management frequently focus on adequacy of supporting scientific evidence.(科学依据的充实度)
  • Defining the extent of the problem helps determine the rest of the management process.(问题的范围与程度)
  • Below a certain risk threshold, action may be unnecessary.(风险的阈值)

5. True and Perceived Risks(真实风险与预计风险)

  • People often overestimate frequency and seriousness of sensational causes of death, and underestimate risks from familiar causes.(过量估计死亡风险–过度轻视常见风险)
  • Elimination of all risk is impossible.(不能期待所有风险都得以消除)
  • An on-going dilemma is: Should the government spend the most money on areas with the greatest impact, or areas where the most people are upset?(难点:能否将多数人关注的风险作为管理的重点?)

6. Economics and the Environment(经济与环境)

  • Environmental problems are primarily economic problems. Economics deals with resource allocation.(环境问题的经济性:资源的分配)
  • Economic Concepts: Economic good/service is anything defined as scarce. Resource is anything that contributes to making desired goods and services available.(资源–商品–稀缺性)
  • Economic Concepts: Supply is the amount of the good/service available for purchase/consumption and demand is the amount of the good/service consumers are willing to buy at various prices.(“供”受来源的制约;“求”受购买意愿的影响)

7. Market-Based Instruments (MBIs)(市场手段)

  • Provide incentive for people and companies to reduce pollution by imposing costs on pollution-causing activities.(造成污染需要付出代价)
  • Five basic categories: (1) Information Programs - Make clear the personal interests in pollution reduction; (2) Tradable Emissions Permits - Give companies the right to emit specified amounts of pollutants; (3) Emission Fees, Taxes, Charges - Make damaging activities more expensive; (4) Performance Bond / Deposit-Refund - Place surcharge on price of products that is refunded upon return; (5) Subsidies - Monetary incentives designed to reduce product costs.(五种经济手段:信息系统、可交易的排污许可、排污费和罚款、行为契约/储蓄返还、政府补助)

8. Extended Product Responsibility (EPR)(扩展的产品责任)

  • Relies on implementation of life cycle analysis to identify opportunities to prevent pollution and reduce resource and energy use in each stage of the product chain.(生命周期评价)
  • The Life Cycle of a Typical Product: 上游阶段(概念+原材料供应+生产加工)+中游阶段(销售+使用)+下游阶段(废品收集+处理+最终处置)

9. Cost-Benefit Analysis(投资-效益分析)

  • Determine whether a policy generates more social costs than social benefits in four steps: (1) Identify the project; (2) Determination of all impacts; (3) Determination of the value of impacts; (4) Calculation of net benefit.(分析社会投资与社会效益的关系:项目分析、影响因素分析、影响的量化、净效益计算)

10. Sustainable Development(可持续发展)

  • Sustainable Development: meets present needs without compromising ability of future generations to meet their own needs.(满足现有需求而不牺牲子孙后代的利益)
  • Economics and Sustainable Development: Economic and environmental well-beings are mutually reinforcing, and must be simultaneously pursued.(同时追求经济和环境效益)
  • Five Characteristics That Defines Sustainability: Renewability, Substitution, Interdependence, Adaptability, Institutional commitment.(可持续性:可再生、可替代、相互依存、适应性、制度保障)


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