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讲 课 |
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Unit 1 ( Chapter 1 ) Environmental Interrelationships
1. 环境的范畴 (The Field of Environmental Science)
2. 环境问题的相互关联性 (The Interrelated Nature of Environmental Problems)
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3. 环境与生态系统 (An Ecosystem Approach)
4. 环境问题 (Regional Environmental Concerns)
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Unit 2 ( Chapter 3 ) Decision Making and Sustainable Development ( 环境决策与可持续发展 )
1. 环境风险问题 (Measuring Risk)
2. 经济与环境 (Economics and the Environment)
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3. 环境与可持续发展 (Sustainable Development) |
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Unit 3 ( Chapter 5 、 Chapter 6 ) Environments, Organisms and Ecosystems (环境、生物与生态系统)
1. 生态学概念 (Ecological Concepts)
2. 自然选择与进化原理 (The Role of Natural Selection and Evolution)
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3. 生物的相互作用关系 (Kinds of Organism Interactions) |
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4. 生物群落与生态系统 (Community and Ecosystem Interactions)
5. 进化过程 (Succession)
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Unit 4 ( Chapter 8 ) Human Population Issues (人口与环境)
1. 人口变化趋势 (Human Population Trends and Implications)
2. 人口增长的影响因素 (Factors That Influence Population Growth)
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3. 人口增长与生活水平 (Population Growth and Standard of Living)
4. 人口与贫困 (Population and Poverty – A Vicious Cycle?)
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5. 饥饿与环境恶化 (Hunger, Food Production, and Environmental Degradation)
6. 人口变迁 (The Demographic Transition Concept)
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Unit 5 ( Chapter 12 ) Human Impact on Resources and Ecosystems (人类对资源与生态系统的影响)
1. 人类影响作用的变化 (The Changing Role of Human Impact)
2. 污染的历史根源 (Historical Basis of Pollution)
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3. 可恢复和不可恢复资源 (Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources)
4. 资源利用的代价 (Costs Associated with Resource Utilization)
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5. 地球生态系统的利用与改变 (Utilization and Modification of Terrestrial |
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Unit 6 ( Chapter 14 ) Soil and Its Uses (土壤环境)
1. 地质学过程 (Geologic Processes)
2. 土壤的形成 (Soil Formation)
3. 土壤的性质 (Soil Properties)
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4. 土壤剖面 (Soil Profile)
5. 土壤侵蚀 (Soil Erosion)
6. 土壤环境保护 (Soil Conservation Practices)
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Unit 7 ( Chapter 16 ) Water Management (水环境)
1. 世界的水问题 (The Water Issue)
2. 水文循环过程 (The Hydrologic Cycle)
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3. 水文循环的人为干扰 (Human Influences on the Hydrologic Cycle)
4. 水的用途 (Kinds of Water Use)
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5. 水污染问题 (Kinds and Sources of Water Pollution)
6. 用水规划 (Water-Use Planning Issues)
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Unit 8 ( Chapter 17 ) Air Quality Issues (大气环境)
1. 大气圈 (The Atmosphere)
2. 大气污染的主要来源 (Categories of Air Pollutants)(Indoor Air Pollution)
3. 大气污染的控制对策 (Control of Air Pollution)
4. 酸雨问题 (Acid Deposition)
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5. 臭氧层破坏问题 (Ozone Depletion)
6. 全球变暖与气候变化 (Global Warming and Climate Change)
7. 室内空气污染
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Unit 9 ( Chapter 18 ) Solid Waste Management and Disposal (固体废弃物管理和处置)
1. 废弃物管理问题概述 (Introduction to Waste Management)
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2. 废弃物问题分析 (The Nature of the Problem)
3. 废弃物处置方法 (Methods of Waste Disposal)
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课程总结 |