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第四单元 Human Population Issues(人口与环境)

1. 教学内容:
  (1)人口变化趋势 (Human Population Trends and Implications)
  (2)人口增长的影响因素 (Factors That Influence Population Growth)
  (3)人口增长与生活水平 (Population Growth and Standard of Living)
  (4)人口与贫困 (Population and Poverty – A Vicious Cycle?)
  (5)饥饿与环境恶化 (Hunger, Food Production, and Environmental Degradation)
  (6)人口变迁 (The Demographic Transition Concept)
2. 教学要求:

1. 第1次课(2学时)
2. 第2次课(2学时)
3. 第3次课(2学时)
1. Population Characteristics(人口的特征)

  • Population - Group of individuals inhabiting the same area simultaneously.(广义的人口定义)
  • Natality - Number of individuals added through reproduction.(出生率)
  • Mortality - Number of individuals removed via death.(死亡率)
  • Sex Ratio - Relative number of males and females in a population.(性别比)
  • Age Distribution - Number of individuals of each age in the population.(年龄分布)

2. Population Density and Spatial Distribution(人口密度及其分布)

  • Population Density - Number of individuals per unit area.(人口密度)
  • Biotic Potential - Inherent reproductive capacity. Generally, biotic potential is much above replacement level.(自然生殖潜能)
  • All living populations follow an exponential growth curve which includes a lag phase (slow population growth), a exponential growth phase (continues as long as birth rate exceeds death rate) and a stable equilibrium phase (population stops growing)(人口的指数增长曲线,包括滞后段、指数段和平衡段等三个阶段)

3. Carrying Capacity and Environmental Resistance(承载力和环境阻力)

  • Carrying Capacity - Number of individuals of a species that can be indefinitely sustained in a given area.(承载力:给定区域的环境条件能支撑的某一物种的存活数量)
  • Environmental Resistance - The combination of factors that sets the carrying capacity for an area. Four main factors: (1) Raw material availability; (2) Energy availability; (3) Waste accumulation and disposal; (4) Organism interaction.(环境阻力:决定承载力的因素组合;主要因素:可用资源、可用能源、废弃物积累和处置、生物相互作用)

4. Reproductive Strategies and Population Fluctuations(生殖策略和人口波动)

  • K – Strategists:For large and long-lived organisms that produce few offspring, provide substantial parental care, populations typically stabilize at a carrying capacity and reproductive strategy is to invest in a few, quality offspring.(K对策者:适合于大型动物,环境负载量成为决定因素)
  • r – Strategists:For small and short-lived organisms that produce many offspring and provide little parental care, reproductive strategy is to produce large numbers of offspring to overcome high mortality.(r对策者:适合于小型动物,内禀增长率成为决定因素)

5. Human Population Growth(人类人口增长的特点)

  • Social factors influence human population because humans are social animals who have freedom of choice, making decisions based on history, social situations, ethical and religious beliefs, and personal desires.(社会因素对人类的人口产生重要影响)
  • Ultimate Size Limitation: Human population subjects to the same biological constraints as other species and it will ultimately reach a carrying capacity and stabilize.(人类的人口也受承载力的制约)

6. Human Population Trends and Implications(人口变化趋势及影响)

  • Largest increase expected in poor, underdeveloped countries and wide economic gap exists both between and within countries.(贫穷国家人口剧增同时带来贫富差距增大)
  • Several factors determine the impact of a society on natural resources: Population Size, Population Density, Degree of Technological Development.(社会对自然资源的影响因素:人口数量、人口密度、技术发展水平)

7. Biological Factors That Influence Population Growth(影响人口增长的生物学因素)

  • Birth rate usually exceeds death rate and there is an ultimate carrying capacity for the human population.(出生率 > 死亡率 → 人口的承载力问题)
  • Unlike other organisms, we have accumulated knowledge and can adjust our lifestyles and impacts accordingly.(人类不同于其他生物:知识积累、生活方式调节的能力等)
  • Total Fertility Rate (TFR) - Number of children a woman has during her lifetime.(生育率的概念)
  • Replacement Level Fertility - Number of children needed to replace everyone in the population.(生育替代水平:指一对夫妇生育的孩子正好可以替代他们本身)
  • Zero Population Growth - Birth rate equals death rate.(人口零增长)

8. Social Factors That Influence Population Growth(影响人口增长的社会学因素)

  • Reducing fertility rates would be advantageous, especially in LDC's.(降低出生率在不发达国家尤其重要)
  • Major social factor determining family size is the role of women in society.(妇女的社会地位是影响人口的重要社会因素)
  • When level of education increases, fertility rates fall.(出生率随教育程度提高而降低)
  • Underdeveloped world: children are an economic gain;Developed world: children are an economic drain.(不发达国家:生孩子会带来经济效益;发达国家:生孩子带来经济紧张)

9. Political Factors That Influence Population Growth(影响人口增长的政治因素)

  • Governments can either reward or punish high fertility rates.(政府对生育率的控制)
  • Most developing countries are concerned that population growth is too rapid.(人口增长过快是发展中国家的重要问题)
  • Programs to limit growth: Family Planning; Age of First Marriage; One-Child Policy; Immigration Policies.(人口控制策略:计划生育、限制结婚年龄、独生子女政策、移民限制政策)

10. Population Growth and Standard of Living(人口增长与生活水平)

  • Appears to be inverse relationship between country's growth rate and standard of living.(人口增长率与生活水平呈负相关关系)
  • Standard of living is difficult to quantify since various cultures have different desires such as economic well-being, health conditions, social status and mobility, Gross National Product (GNP), total value of good and services generated within a country.(生活水平难以量化,随人们生活的需求而异)

11. Population and Poverty - A Viscous Cycle(人口与贫困)

  • Poor People: Cannot afford birth control; Need multiple avenues to obtain money; Have little access to health care.(贫困阶层无能力控制生育,过量劳动,医疗条件差)
  • High infant mortality rates spur desire for large numbers of offspring.(贫困带来高婴儿死亡率,从而激励多生育)

12. Hunger, Food Production and Environmental Degradation(饥饿与环境恶化)

  • As human population grows so does demand for food.(人口与食品需求同步增长)
  • Human populations can increase in size if only other plant and animal populations decrease in size.(根据生态学原理,当其他物种数量减少时,人类数量就会增加)
  • People in less-developed countries generally feed at lower trophic levels than those in developed world.(欠发达国家通常处于低营养水平)
  • Long-term environmental health may be sacrificed for short-term population needs.(短期人口增加的需求会以牺牲长期环境健康为代价)

13. Demographic Transition(人口变迁)

  • Demographic Transition - Model of population growth based on historical, social, and economic development of Europe and N. America.(人口变迁图:基于人口增长模型)
  • Problem - Can a model developed in Europe and NA be applied to less-developed countries?(问题在于:欧美的模型能否适用于发展中国家?)

14. Anticipated Changes with Continued Population Growth(人口持续增长带来的问题)

  • Differences in Standard of Living between developed and less-developed countries will remain significant because most population increase in tropical, developing nations.(发展中国家人口增长带来生活水平差距的加大)
  • Developed countries may have to choose: (1) Helping developing nations; (2) Isolation from problems of developing nations.(发达国家的选择:帮助发展中国家或孤立自己)


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