Unit 1 |
Ecosystem |
Environmental science |
Wilderness |
Environment |
Sustainable development |
Unit 2 |
Biodegradable |
Cost-benefit analysis |
Debt-for-nature |
Exchanges |
Deferred costs |
Demand |
Economics |
Environmental costs |
Extended product responsibility |
External costs |
Life cycle analysis |
Natural resources |
Negligible risk |
Nonrenewable resources |
Pollution |
Pollution costs |
Pollution-prevention costs |
Price |
Probability |
Renewable resources |
Risk |
Risk assessment |
Risk management |
Subsidy |
Supply |
Supply/demand curve |
Sustainable development |
Unit 3 |
Abiotic factors |
b iogeochemical cycles |
b iomass |
b iotic factors |
c arbon cycle |
c arnivore |
c oevolution |
c ommensalism |
c ommunity |
c ompetition |
c ompetitive exclusion principle |
c onsumer |
d ecomposer |
d enitrifying bacteria |
d etritus |
e cology |
e cosystem |
e ctoparasite |
e ndoparasite |
e nvironment |
e volution |
e xtinction |
f ood chain |
f ood web |
f ree-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria |
g enes |
h abitat |
h erbivore |
h ost |
i nterspecific competition |
i ntraspecific competition |
k eystone species |
l imiting factor |
m utualism |
m ycorrhizae |
n atural selection |
n iche |
n itrifying bacteria |
n itrogen cycle |
n itrogen-fixing bacteria |
o mnivore |
p arasite |
p arasitism |
p opulation |
p redation |
p redator |
p rey |
Primary consumer |
Speciation |
Species |
Symbiosis |
Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria |
Trophic level |
Vector |
Abyssal ecosystem |
Alpine tundra |
Benthic |
Benthic ecosystem |
Biochemical oxygen demand |
Biome |
Boreal forest |
Climax community |
Coral reef ecosystem |
Desert |
Emergent plants |
Estuary |
Euphotic zone |
Eutrophic lake |
Freshwater ecosystem |
Grassland |
Limnetic zone |
Littoral zone |
Mangrove swamp ecosystem |
Marine ecosystem |
Marsh |
Mediterranean shrublands |
Northern coniferous forest |
Oligotrophic lake |
Pelagic |
Pelagic ecosystem |
Periphyton |
Permafrost |
Phytoplankton |
Pioneer community |
Plankton |
Prairie |
Primary succession |
Savanna |
Secondary succession |
Seral stage |
Sere |
Steppe |
Submerged plants |
Succession |
Successionsl stage |
Swamp |
Taiga |
Temperate deciduous forest |
Tropical dry forest |
Tropical rainforest |
Tundra |
Zooplankton |
Unit 4 |
Age distribution |
Demographic transition |
Demography |
Gross national income(CNI) |
Less-developed countries |
More-developed countries |
Population density |
Postwar baby boom |
Replacement fertility |
Standard of living |
Total fertility rate |
Zero population growth |
Unit 5 |
Biodiversity |
Bush meat |
Clear-cutting |
Cover |
Deforestation |
Desertification |
Ecosystem diversity |
Endangered species |
Extinction |
Genetic diversity |
Habitat management |
Migratory birds |
Mutations |
Patchwork clear-cutting |
Reforestation |
Species diversity |
Selective harvesting |
Threatened species |
Wilderness |
Unit 6 |
Atmosphere |
Chemical weathering |
Conservation tillage |
Contour farming |
Crest |
Erosion |
Friable |
Horizon |
Humus |
Land |
Leaching |
Lithosphere |
Litter |
Loam |
Mantle |
Mechanical weathering |
Parent material |
Plate tectonics |
Reduced tillage |
Soil |
Soil profile |
Soil structure |
Soil texture |
Strip farming |
Terraces |
Waterways |
Weathering |
Windbreaks |
Unit 7 |
Activate-sludge sewage treatment |
Aquiclude |
Aquifer |
Aquitard |
Artesian well |
Biochemical oxygen demand(bod) |
Confined aquifer |
Domestic water |
Eutrophication |
Evapotranspiration |
Fecal coliform bacteria |
Groundwater |
Groundwater mining |
Hydrologic cycle |
Industrial water use |
In-stream water use |
Irrigation |
Limiting factor |
Nonpoint source |
Point source |
Porosity |
Potable water |
Primary sewage treatment |
Runoff |
Unit 8 |
Acid deposition |
Acid rain |
Air toxics |
Carbon dioxide |
Carbon monoxide |
Carcinogenic |
Chlorofluorocarbons(cfcs) |
Criteria air pollutants |
Decibel |
Greenhouse effect |
Greenhouse gas |
Hazardous air pollutants(hap) |
Hydrocarbons(HC) |
Methane |
Nitrogen dioxide |
Nitrogen monoxide |
Nitrous oxide |
Oxides of nitrogen |
Ozone |
Particulate matter |
Photochemical smog |
Pm 2.5 |
Pm 10 |
Primary air pollutants |
Radon |
Secondary air pollutants |
Sulfur dioxide |
Thermal inversion |
Volatile organic compounds(vocs) |
Unit 9 |
Agricultural waste |
Composting |
Incineration |
Industrial solid waste |
Leachate |
Mass burn |
Mining waste |
Mulch |
Municipal aolid waste landfill |
Municipal solid waste(MSW) |
Recycling |
Solid waste |
Source reduction |